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2024 Arlington Democrats Gold Card


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Be a part of this historic election—

buy a Gold Card today!

By purchasing a Gold Card, you support our Joint Campaign Committee to get Democrats elected this year and gain access to the four campaign events we hold each fall:


  • Annual Labor Day Chili Cook-off (Mon., Sept. 2)

  • Celebration Honoring a Distinguished Senior Democrat (Sun., Sept. 22)

  • Arlington Young Democrats Knocktoberfest Event (Sun., Oct.13)

  • Golden Gala (Thurs., Oct. 24)


Get the best deal: Early Bird Pricing ends August 31, so buy now to save money on Gold Cards and individual event tickets.


Your support through the Gold Card is crucial for our success. The funds raised directly impact the number of voters we reach. Your contribution helps fund essential campaign activities, including:


  • Hand deliver over 100,000 messengers and sample ballots;

  • Mailing 15,000 messengers to multi-unit buildings;

  • Printing over 10,000 candidate grip cards; and

  • Fueling our digital advertising campaign.


Never going back means we must elect Democrats to every single office, from White House to the School House.

Support our efforts today. Let’s win this.



More details will be released once available a few weeks closer to the date(s).





Regular Price: After 8/31: $275, Now just $250

Roosevelt-Obama Society Members: After 8/31: $215, Now just $190

Young/Senior Dems: After 8/31: $200, Now just $125

Chili Cook-Off
Monday, September 4th from 2-5pm
Lyon Park Community Center

Regular Price: After 8/31: $75, Earlybird $50

Roosevelt-Obama Society Members: After 8/31: $70, Earlybird $45

Young/Senior Dems: After 8/31: $70, Earlybird $45

Honoring a Distinguished Democrat
Sunday, September 22nd Time TBD
Location TBD

Regular Price: After 8/31: $100, Earlybird $75

Roosevelt-Obama Society Members: After 8/31: $90, Earlybird $65

Young/Senior Dems: After 8/31: $75, Earlybird $40

AYD Knocktoberfest Event
Sunday October 13th
Location TBD

Regular Price: After 8/31: $55, Earlybird $30

Roosevelt-Obama Society Members: After 8/31: $50, Earlybird $25

Young/Senior Dems: After 8/31: $50, Earlybird $20

Golden Gala
Thursday, October 24th from 7-9pm
Location TBD

Regular Price: After 8/31: $150, Earlybird $125

Roosevelt-Obama Society Members: After 8/31: $125, Earlybird $100

Young/Senior Dems: After 8/31: $125, Earlybird $75

Purchase your gold card below on FastAction OR

mail in this form with your payment (check or credit card information) to:

Arlington Democrats Joint Campaign

P.O. Box 7132

Arlington, VA 22207

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