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COVID19 Update: April Event Update + Resisting While Social Distancing

Dear Arlington Democrats,

During this time of public health crisis, Arlington Dems remains your go-to resource for community activism! Whether you want to support neighbors struggling to cope with COVID-19 or you are eager to continue your #DumpTrump efforts, please check out our new COVID-19 Resources Page. You’ll find great information on how to stay healthy and engaged, and we’re adding content to the page every day. All suggestions are welcome!

As we ramp up our digital outreach, Arlington Dems is taking the precautionary step of cancelling all of our in-person events through the end of April. This cancellation policy includes our annual Blue Victory Dinner. Ticket holders have been contacted separately and offered the option of a unique Blue Victory digital experience in exchange for permitting Arlington Dems to retain ticket payments. Refunds also are available.

Although the in-person aspect of the Arlington Dems April monthly meeting also is cancelled, nevertheless we will persist! Arlington Dems will host an online monthly meeting on April 1 at 7 pm. Tune in to or arldemsold.local/monthlymeeting at that time for Democratic news that you can use!

We will continue to look for ways to connect the Arlington community through online activities, including today’s online Legislative Recap at 4 pm on and an upcoming series of ArlDems Virtual Happy Hours and Coffee Breaks. Stay tuned for details -- and, in the meantime, please go wash your hands!

Democratically yours,

Jill Caiazzo Chair, Arlington Democrats

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